illegal gold mines in Ghana

At one of the illegal gold mines in Ghana. Group of men wearing shorts and shoes Rubber booths must wade through contaminated mud pits. Pick up a stone with your bare hands and use it. The sluice gate is in a rickety state while being searched. This precious ore, this illegal mine is a part. of the thriving businesses that nourish it life and create income outside the system for Ghana's economy, although it will have a negative impact The health of the miners was handicapped. Water destroys forests and cocoa farms, including The crime was however one of the miners. illegal in the Pestiakuni Valley, west of Ghana says illegal mining pays off That's good, but he admits that there is He took a lot of risks before he started here. There was nothing, so he told himself. He has to come and do it and then he has to get something back. [Song] [Song] [Song] was [Song] ins start Doing the gy. In this mine, there isn't anyone. Many people wear appropriate protective equipment. Plastic bags were put on their heads instead of hats, and some people wore glasses. Some swimmers had to take a sack to pretend to be. Mantle by illegal gold mining grows quickly during this year after the price World gold has increased by nearly 30%, attracting people entering this industry. It has increased. Information from regulatory agencies. Ghana's mining industry says that in the first seven months of this year, small gold mines produced 1.2 million ounces of gold. This is more than last year's total. 40 percent of all the gold produced by Ghana came from A small mine as opposed to a mine. Concessions operated by multinational companies and 70-80 percent of small mines are Unlicensed mine mar Chief Executive Officer Committee The first agency which is the regulatory agency. The mine claims that the gold comes from illegal mines. Most were smuggled out of the country and not counted. It is the income from the country's gold exports. [song] The Land Block soic can do the investigations and for decades Government Government or Government After Government will not pay He to it Experts in the mining industry also say also that the line between mining Legality with illegal mining is not clear and Gold from informal mines also generates a significant amount of income. The portion that is greater than the income that is officially recognized. However, all parties cannot deny it. I think illegal mining has an impact on The health of people and workers working in These illegal mines include communities that Surrounded by news reports from Human rights groups say the miners Many died from mine collapses in Over the past few years, the hospital And the health center reported the number of deaths. Premature life from lung disease is on the rise. among the miners and villagers who lived there near the mine, the reason is because they inhale Dust containing heavy metals such as lead Toxic fumes from mercury and nitric acid that workers Used to extract gold from sediment which contains chemicals. These will then be left on the floor or inside the mother. The Ghana Water Resources Agency stated that Bulbul and heavy metals from mining are mixed. Contaminated in water sources approximately 65%. At the same time, there is information from Global Forest Watch's forest change tracking platform indicates that people are making Illegal mines have destroyed cocoa growing areas. And thousands of hectares of rainforest have people who leave. Come protest on the streets of Ankara. Ghana's capital for the past few weeks. I apologize in the past. It was a protest in Bangkok. Agra, which is a criticism. President Nana Afud's government regarding What they see as a failure to solve the problem. All polluted for How Long Do You Have To Sit and be Looking At All These politicians do like this No We Can't is When Water is and Our Water bodies has been polluted how can we Live long So What We Are saying is that Stop gam Because We want to We don't want tock We don't want to go to the Hospital Be on dialysis We want Kids We want to want to Enjoy Life even though If We Are Not Having Money We want to Enjoy Life We Stop Now or Never However, from the government perspective He came out to deny the failure. Dealing with the problem of illegal mining, even though The president, who has been in office since 2017, has promised that he will fix This problem has not happened in the past. It can be done but the government says they are doing their best. ago, during the period of President Aku Ado's tenure as government launched a crackdown. by sending soldiers to arrest illegal miners Including seizing and destroying equipment. In many cases, Bodhi surveys opinions. It said illegal mining was one of voters' top five issues. Importance before the general election of Ghana on December 7th, applicants It's important to replace Fugodo. Vice President Muhabababumia and former President Chahamma also promised that He will pull illegal mines into the system. By setting up a government agency to explore gold and Designate areas for local people to build cities. It can only be said that successive governments have made promises. I've been trying to solve this problem for many years now. Not much progress has been made by experts. Chan stated that this is partly because those who have Some groups of influence benefit from This Industry in by Chris Aston, Head British sponsored project which has the goal of regulating mining A small gold check on the face says miner. Local people are at risk of gang violence. Controlled crime which provides advance funding for equipment with them which will be different with Other lenders potentially of Gold Min licensed Industry very informal and Makes it Easy foran crime to get involved Also because of the because of the Remote The Remote location of the mines lot of them On The International borders you particularly in the North loc convent by minister of government His information doesn't answer the question, does it? Give your opinion on the allegation that Illegal gold mine connected to the organization Crime of arms smuggling or Various corruption while high-ranking officials in Ministry of National Security, which does not want Name revealed because permission is not given. Talking about this issue in public said that Trying to manage connections between illegal mining, money laundering and Arms smuggling, so now it's fine. But I hope that the new government will Will come to perform duties during the month of December. It will be possible after the election to solve this problem. Whether or not this problem can be resolved remains to be followed up. Continuing [song]

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