Dreaming about your ex

have you had dreams about an ex-spouse or an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend and you're wondering what in the world could this mean could dreams about an ex have a deeper meaning let's talk about the seven reasons why you're dreaming about your ex so many people have had dreams about an ex and while dreaming about an X is usually negative you can have a positive dream involving your ex so let's talk about the seven reasons why you're dreaming about your ex number one a soul tie so a soul tie can be the reason why you're dreaming about your ex so you might ask what is a soul tie a soul tie is a strong bond attachment or a deep connection between two people and while the Bible doesn't specifically mention the words Soul tie it does refer to this type of relationship in both the positive and the negative for example in first Samuel 18 and 1 it says the soul of Jonathan was bonded to the soul of David and Jonathan loved him as himself so this is a positive example of a soul tie but in second Corinthians 6 4 14 it says do not be unequally bound together with unbelievers for what Fellowship can light have with darkness and this is an example of a negative Soul tie so a soul tie is that deep connection you have with someone so much so that you find it very hard to break free from the person no matter how much you want to a soul tie can have a profound negative effect on your life there are actually different types of soul ties so if you want me to go in depth about soul ties and breaking soul ties let me know in the comments section but a soul tie can absolutely be a reason why you keep dreaming about your ex number two a past issue so your ex in the dream can represent an unresolved negative issue or issues from your past and the issue or the negative issues are currently affecting your life and God is bringing this to the surface by way of the dream in order to free you from the past and those past issues so an X and a dream can represent past negative issues number three an X in a dream can represent a past relationship or connection with someone other than your ex for example your ex in the dream could represent a former friend or a former co-worker or an old boss and that past relationship left a negative impact on your heart and God is bringing this to your attention in order to bring healing many times we're not aware that we have unforgiveness and animosity towards someone else and God will give this type of dream to reveal what's in our hearts so you can have a a dream about your ex but the ex in the dream is actually representing someone else number four an old habit so an X and a dream can represent an old habit that's resurfacing in the life of the dreamer perhaps the dreamer had some sort of an addiction in the past and God is showing in the dream that the issue is still present or is trying to make a comeback somebody I know had a dream that she overheard her husband talking on his phone with his ex he was making plans to meet up with this woman and of course the dreamer was Furious and when she woke up she believed that her husband was secretly having an affair with his ex but in reality she found out that her husband had started taking drugs again he was a former drug addict but he had started using drugs again so an ex in a dream can represent an old habit number five old ways of thinking so an ex in a dream can represent old negative ways of thinking perhaps you had low self-esteem or you suffered with depression or anxiety or even Suicidal Thoughts in the past and the enemy is trying to afflict you with these issues once again so God can give this type of dream as a warning for you to stay vigilant stay prayerful and to strengthen your spiritual foundation so an ex in a dream can represent always of thinking number six a warning that you left your first love and so the X and the dream can represent something that has taken your attention away from God you're more focused on that thing than you are on the Lord so you may have allowed other things to come between you and your relationship with God and God is revealing this in the dream and he's calling you back into fellowship with him and he wants you to draw closer to him so an exit a dream can represent something that you're focused on or something that has taken your attention away from God or has taken the place of God in your life so number seven is the positive meaning of dreaming about your ex so you might have a dream where you're walking away from an ex or you see your ex at a distance and you might be waving at him goodbye this could positively speaking represent leaving the past behind it would be symbolic of moving forward and making progress in life so this type of dream is showing that you're not allowing past relationships or negative issues from the past to Define you yay so this this would be a great dream hey have you picked up your copy of the mysterious language of Dreams yet in this book I go more in depth about dreams and dream interpretation than I do on my YouTube videos I talk about the depth dimension of dreams dream layers I talk about the time dimension of a dream also dreams and the imagination which is quite interesting I also have put over 40 real life actual dreams that people have dreamed in the book for you to practice your interpretation skills also in the back of the book is a dream dictionary with over 400 dream symbols so I've left a link in the description box below where you can go and pick up your copy of the mysterious language of Dreams today I know a lot of you have had had dreams about your ex and you know I want to hear about it leave it in the comments section below and if you like this video please give me a thumbs up and don't forget to hit that subscribe button and turn on your notification Bell so you won't miss any upcoming videos I'll talk to you all next time

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