5 Reasons Why You're Dreaming About Dead Relatives

here it is understanding the language of Dreams course one in this course you'll learn why dreams are so mysterious you'll learn about the six visual States taken from the Bible relating to Visions you'll discover the different domains of a dream you'll also learn how to determine what role you and others play in your dream which is important for correct interpretation and much more I've also included fun exercises so you can practice what you've learned just click on the link below and get your course of understanding the language of Dreams I [Music] a number of people have had dreams about a deceased loved one although this type of dream is common would it be a negative or a positive Dream well let's talk about five reasons why you're dreaming about dead relatives thank you we've all experienced the loss of a loved one it's usually a time of profound sadness grief heartbreak and sometimes even shock dreams about a family member who has died can have different meanings depending on what the family member is doing or saying in the dream always remember that this doesn't always mean bad when it comes to interpreting dreams in other words the dead relative that appears in my dream may have a different meaning than the dead relative in your dream now I first want to say that God forbids necromancy which is communication with the dead and this includes seeking out psychics and mediums to do so in Leviticus 19 and 31 it says do not turn to mediums or spiritist do not seek them out to be defiled by them I am the Lord your God so Consulting with psychics and mediums will open doors for demons to come and wreak havoc in your life I believe there are some mediums who are sincere in what they do and they don't know that they're getting their information from demon Spirits so again entertaining psychics mediums and fortune tellers is absolutely forbidden by God now let's look at five reasons why you're dreaming about dead relatives number one the dead relative in your dream could actually be a demon Spirit masquerading as your deceased loved one a masquerading spirit also known as a familiar spirit is a demon that's pretending to be your relative this is particularly true if the relative is acting thing out of character or behaving in a way that is the opposite of how they carry themselves in real life for example in the dream your relative could be talking in a deceptive way or even speaking gibberish a language you don't understand or they may be trying to persuade you to follow them somewhere or to go with them somewhere in this type of dream you usually have a sense that an evil spirit is pretending to be your deceased relative there is usually a darkness in the atmosphere a Darkness about the dream so if you have this type of dream you need to rebuke and bind the demon Spirit that's masquerading as your deceased loved one and forbid them to intrude into your dreams in Jesus name number two a dead relative in a dream can be symbolic of what the deceased person represents for example you can have a dream about your deceased mother but your mother can represent someone who is a mother figure to you in real life or it could be speaking of the church because a mother in a dream can be symbolic of the church likewise your deceased father in a dream can be symbolic of God the father or someone who's a father figure in your life so depending on what your deceased relative is doing or saying to you in the dream the dead relative can represent something or someone else number three dreaming about a deceased family member can simply mean that you love and miss them it's natural to miss the presence of a close relative who has died so you can have a dream involving a dead loved one simply because you miss them and desire to see them again number four a dream about a dead relative can be a result of unresolved issues that the dreamer had with their deceased loved one for example there may have been negative issues that were not dealt with or resolved and the dreamer didn't get the chance to repair the relationship or make peace with their loved one before they died so if this was the issue between the dreamer and their deceased loved one the dreamer may have this type of dream because they're Desiring closure and healing number five the dreamer needs reassurance that the deceased relative is at peace so you can have a dream that you're talking to your deceased loved one and God can give this type of dream to bring comfort to the dreamer that their deceased loved one is no longer in pain they're no longer suffering and that they are at peace with the Lord Jesus who is the Prince of Peace hey have you picked up your copy of the mysterious language of Dreams yet in this book I go more in depth about dreams and dream interpretation than I do on my YouTube videos I talk about the depth dimension of dreams dream layers I talk about the time dimension of a dream also dreams and the imagination which is quite interesting I also have put over 40 real life actual dreams that people have dreamed in the book for you to practice your interpretation skills also in the back of the book is a dream dictionary with over 400 dream symbols so I've left a link in the description box below where you can go and pick up your copy of the mysterious language of Dreams today have you had a dream about a deceased loved one if so you know I want to hear about it leave it in the comment section and don't forget to give me a thumbs up if you like this video and if you're not a part of the dream team go ahead and hit that subscribe button and don't forget to turn on your notification Bell so you won't miss any upcoming videos I'll talk to you next time

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