Scary Afghanistan Mysterious Creatures

15 Scary Afghanistan Mysterious Creatures Caught on Video
15. Cthulhu Under The Sea
In 2007 a deep sea camera owned by an oil company caught this image of a massive squid-like creature near the Gulf of Mexico. This deep sea nightmare has a large head with fins that protrude out from it, tentacles or legs that extend horizontally and then drop down for several feet. Its physical appearance can be compared to that of a daddy long legs,
met with a sci-fi flick alien. When this footage was released a lot of speculation began as to what this creature may be.

The first and most common theory was that this was a relative of Cthulhu - a cosmic creature created by H.P Lovecraft in the short story “The Call of Cthulhu”. Plenty of believers and paranormal enthusiasts began turning their head to research, outrage, and fear knowing that this creature was living in our oceans possibly waiting for a chance to come to shore and take control or wreak havoc. This creature also gave those that already feared the ocean an even greater reason to stay miles away from it.

As fun and scary as all of this speculation was, this is actually a Bigfin squid which was
discovered in 1988. However, this is one of only a handful of times that it was caught on tape and even the most skilled scientists still know very little about this creature. That being said this could very well be a descendent of the Great Old One, and is certainly a marvelous reason to stay out of the ocean.

14. Unknown Creature
This video involves a driver traveling down a dirt road in the dead of night, when he comes across a truly terrifying creature. The man appears to be driving while holding his camera up toward the figure. At first he just seems confused by what he sees, but things take an almost heart wrenching turn. The figure is wearing what appears to be a white gown, and has long dark hair.

It also seems to have a limp in the way that it walks and is slightly hunched over. The man lets out expressions of horror and as the creature begins to stagger violently toward him he lets out shrieks of pure fear. The sounds of pure terror that this man makes are truly enough to be upsetting. Little else is known about this creature, however there have been speculations that this is actually an elderly woman being possessed by a demon, going after unsuspecting travelers. This is not the first case of roadside ghostly, or demonic creatures.

All over the world “roadside nightmares” are recorded and shared. The common explanations for these creatures are that its’ either the spirit of someone who died on that road, a spirit trying to hitch a ride somewhere, or a demon slash creature looking to get those lonely drivers off the road for whatever evil reason. This is a good example of why you should always use the buddy system when driving on dark dirt roads.

13. Men in Black
The Hollywood blockbuster trilogy The Men In Black follows two government agents that work highly undercover trying to find alien beings living on Earth and wreaking havoc. These movies are general comedic with scenes of fun alien fighting action. However, the duo known as the real life men in black are quite different in several ways. For the past
several years people who claim to have seen UFO’s also claim that shortly after this alien encounter they were visited by two very creepy men in black suits.

UFO enthusiasts that spend time researching UFO’s have often reported being visited by them as well. The men apparently find these people who have claimed contact with alien life and question
them, claiming they’re from a secret organization. They also present a white card with the word “security” embossed onto it, and have been reported to often refer to one another as numbers rather than by names. Each story shared about the M.I.B has a different motive behind the visit, and every visit is strange in it’s own way. Stories in relation to these two agents include cases of telepathy, teleportation, and even physical violence. So aside from these men in black being creepier, mystical, and aggressive than our friendly silver screen pair, these two apparently are also aliens themselves.

Reports of encounters with the M.I.B describe them as abnormally tall, completely hairless, pale white, with eyes that are slightly larger than average. The two also apparently look exactly the same - like walking clones that finish each other’s sentences. The M.I.B were caught on camera in 2008 after a hotel manager and security guard reported seeing a UFO. Several days after their reports the men in black arrived at the hotel looking for the manager and guard – who were not there at the time. When the manager reviewed security footage he saw the two men, and this is the only reported proof of their existence.

12. Icelandic Worm Monster
Every country and every culture around the world has its’ own paranormal legends. The U.S has bigfoot, Goblins and Elves are popular in Mexico, Scotland discovered the Loch Ness Monster, and Iceland has the giant worm monster. Though it sounds like more of a punchline than a threatening creature, the worm monster is actually pretty creepy. This video, uploaded in 2012 is perhaps one of the best quality videos to date of the unknown worm-like creature.

But sightings have been reported since as early as 1345, in relation to this phenomenon. This video shows the creature slithering through Icey waters, and zoomed in shots show what could be a snake like head that force the water and ice out of its’ path. The worm is said to inhabit lake Lagarflj?t. The creature has yet to have been caught or studied, and while there are numerous theories out there as to what this could be such as a collection of bacteria or debris, atmospheric warping, or even optical illusions there is not a solid answer as of now. Many scientists and even psychologists have found that these theories offer an answer to only some of the reported sightings, but don’t hold valid for every single one – meaning they cannot be the factual truth.

11. Shadowy Ghost in School
A group of young teens decided to go explore an abandoned school in their town. The building is ridden with gravity and its apparent no one has been in it for at least several years. As the group enters a classroom of the school, the camera catches a very realistic shadowy figure waling from a window toward the group. Something about the way the figure walks looks very casual, as if it’s wearing jeans and has one hand in its pocket. Many refer to this ghost as ‘headless’ however that could just be because of the way the light is coming in from the window. The group of teens don’t seem to notice or see the figure, but just as the camera catches it, a loud roaring noise can be heard. The noise is comparable to a deep echoing moan, slowed down church bells, or ship alerts. The teens begin to scream and run out of the school, as they run and even after coming to a stop to talk about what happened, they can still hear the eerie noise. They continue to explore as if looking for the source of the terrifying noise, but the video ends and we are left with more questions than anything.

10. Goblin or Elf
Goblins are very small evil elf-like creatures that originated in European countries during the Middle Ages. Goblins have different appearances depending on what region the folklore is coming from, but they’re usually very small, dirty, greedy and mischievous. Most stories associated with goblins involved them stealing, leaving behind messes, or even killing people, usually small children.

In this video there seems to be a small group of kids or teens playing in a messy room. One teen in particular is in front of the camera kicking around a ball. The boy kicks the ball off to the side and goes to retrieve it when he looks down at a small creature crouching in against the wall. It’s very hard to make out what is being seen, but the group collectively screams and the camera cuts off as the small creature bounds away.

Many people claim this was just a rat that scared the group of youngsters, however even with low quality you can tell that the small being is on two very human like legs, and it even appears to be wearing a pointed hat. The way that the creature runs from the group at the threat of being sighted either lends proof to the legend that goblins hate to be seen, or offers the idea that they aren’t’ evil little creatures after all. Either way, seeing a very tiny humanoid in your home is bound to freak anyone out.

9. Creature Climbs Building
This creature seems like it’s straight from the nightmare of an arachnophobe, or anyone really. This video is shot from an upper level floor and shows a very long legged creature scaling the side of an unknown building in Russia. The spider-like being has 4 massive legs that seem to stretch like rubber, and it moves fluidly from one building to the
other – and then over the top of the second building.

We’ve actually seen videos like this before with the black stick figure men climbing down a city building in the dead of night, back in 2013. Coincidentally both videos were shot in Russia – are very similar, and went viral causing a stir amongst small towns. Could something like this suggest foul play, or is there a trend here we aren’t catching? Of course viewers seem to argue that it’s fake and is done with the power of CGI.

Even if that’s true, you have to give props to its creator for reaching into the nightmares of many and bringing it to life. This phenomenon of black stick men has been going on for nearly thousands of years, with reports from children and full grown adults all over the world. So even if the clip is faked – the legend is quite real and this video brings that fear into your very own computer screen.

8. Alien in Graveyard
Alien sightings, and reports of abduction go as far back as 329 B.C when Alexander the Great claimed that he witnessed massive silver shields in the sky, which spit fire and dove toward his army. The world is filled with Alien enthusiasts and people who have memories having been abducted that completely ruined their lives. So finding footage of Aliens
here on Earth of UFO’s traveling through the sky isn’t that amazing. Something about this clip, though, is a little extra terrifying. This video was allegedly shot in December of 2005 and shows an alien in a graveyard.

The person behind the camera seems to be walking through the graveyard and taking short video to document the location. The graves seem very run down and unkempt so it’s possible this graveyard is very old and the person recording had an interest in that. They probably wanted to get some great footage of the eerie tombstones, but never expected to see a dark green figure lingering behind one. In the video it’s unclear whether the camera-person is even aware of this creature, but the creature certainly seems aware of them. The extraterrestrial seems to step forward and look directly at the camera before receding behind the tombstone.

A slowed down and zoomed in shot of the video gives a better look at the creature to show a massive head, skinny torso, and dangling arms. It can also be assumed that the alien is very short as it’s much shorter than the tombstone in shot. As if graveyards weren’t spooky enough, this video crosses two fears of death and the unknown and puts them in one location. If this video is genuine, what was the alien doing in such an old graveyard?

7. The Rake
The Rake is a legend that dates back as far as 1621, but has gained new popularity since the summer of 2003. Many people have claimed sightings of the rake. There are even several short films and projects out there in relation to this creature, as well as Creepypastas. There are several variations of how the rake is described but it’s usually referred to
as having grey skin, huge black eyes, and no body hair. It also apparently is hunched over and has arms way too long in proportion to its’ body. This particular video is one of many that have made their way to the surface of the web. It’s a wheat or corn field of some type and you can see a very thin and misshapen humanoid creature running through
the high grass. The title of the video this claims the rake and it does seem to be similar to some claims and sightings that have come before.

6. Tsunami Creature
This video is actually something new, not something there’s every day hoaxed footage of like bigfoot or ghosts. This was posted in late 2014 and shows a severe Tsunami hitting a gulf coast of Japan. The video is low quality and was probably shot just to get footage of the tsunamis damage. But in the background of the video, the camera person was lucky enough to catch a strange, possibly magical creature.

Around 3:13 in the original video a waves seems to crash up toward a building. But then that white mass that appears to be a wave grows legs and a fin and climbs up the side of a building for safety. Sounds like just another sea creature right? That changes literally milliseconds after it climbs the building, when it disappears into mist. Or at least that’s what appears to happen.

There has yet to be a proven explanation for this, and speculations range from exploding fire extinguishers to Japanese spirits, to alien creatures that have been inhabiting the oceans for centuries. Take a closer look at the video yourself and you decide. Is this a mass of smoke, or something more mystical? And if it is something more on the side of fantasy, what could this be?

5. Another Goblin
This is another video of a goblin, or other small humanoid creature. Except that this one is of even higher quality and its’ very clear the little creature that runs through the shot is not just a rodent or shadow. A mother is casually filming her infant in what appears to be their kitchen, when the dark colored humanoid bounds through the shot and darts under a table. Just as the small humanoid is in the shot of the camera it begins to glitch as the audio is horribly distorted.

The mother screams and grabs her baby, but then returns her camera under the table to try and get footage of the goblin. Unfortunately, the goblin is already out of sight. In this case the goblin seems to have a much more humanlike body, isn’t wearing a clich? red pointed hat, and has floppy pointed ears. While skeptics claim this is fake, plenty of believers out there dub this as the best footage of goblins or elves to date.

4. Witch on Fire
A bruja is the term used in regions such as Mexico, to refer to a person who practices witchcraft. The term bruja, or brujo can refer to any person male or female that practices any level of form of witchcraft. While bruja is not immediately a negative term, Mexico and other regions have developed an understanding that evil witches do exist and practice black
magic with the goal of harming others.

Many witch legends involve elderly women with the ability to shape-shift, steal souls for the devil and even eat children. This video was uploaded in 2013 and is titled “Fire Witch in the Forest (Real Witch)” the description explains that this video was taken because a group of people could not tell what they were seeing and wanted to review the video later. Upon reviewing the video this is what they found.

The imagery itself is pretty unsettling as it just appears to be a human body engulfed in flames. However, at the same time the person does not seem to be panicking and they disappear from thin air several times. Again, this video was shot on a dark dirt road in the middle of nowhere which adds even more to the aura of fear. Many people are claiming this is some sort of video editing, or hoax. But if you’re a believer in witchcraft you’re likely to agree this seems pretty genuine.

3. Giants in Peru
This video was shot by a woman who is assumed to be at home with her mother. There’s no explanation as to why she was filming but what she caught on tape was unbelievable. There appears to be two normal sized humans standing atop the hills, when all of a sudden on of them appears to stand up or grow in size. The figure is twice the size of the one next to it, which is either believed to be a regular sized human or a similar creature in a seated position.

The woman recording the video begins to cry out in horror and calls her mom to come look. An investigative team took a closer look into this phenomenon. They placed a man at the same exact location and took photos from the location where the video was originally filmed. The person they used was of average height and very thin build. When they aligned the footage of this man with the footage of the alleged giants, the figures captured were indeed significantly taller than the model used.

Some other things found during this investigation were that the taller figure was extremely thin compared to even a skinnier than average person, possibly because of their height. And the head of the figure, as well as the figure seated below it had odd shapes. The model used had very short hair but even with that playing in, the “giants” had heads that seemed to be shaped more egg-like. The investigation video was uploaded by GCEPERU and will be linked below. The video is not in English, but there’s plenty more to be learned about this case.

2. Forest Creature
This video is time stamped from 2006 but wasn’t uploaded until around 2013. The story is that this is a group of videographers were exploring a forested area for an upcoming documentary in Catalonia, Spain. While exploring the wooded region they heard strange noises, unlike any animal or human they’d heard before. They also found trails of huge feathers and followed them. They eventually came up to a man squatting down behind bushes, staring at the ground. He appears nearly lifeless and quite ghoulish. His skin is pale and his bones are very apparent. He seems to notice the group and looks toward the camera with huge glowing eyes. Speculation for this creature range from it being a malnourished homeless man, to it being another form of the rake, all the way to it being a fallen angel who was cast out of heaven – which would explain the feathers. No matter what you believe – this group was pretty horrified by what they saw and the images presented in the short footage is quite haunting.

1. The Hybrid Man
Bigfoot is one of the biggest, most well-known legends in the world and is especially popular in the U.S and Asian countries. This story comes from a province in China where their version of bigfoot is referred to as the Yemen. It’s uncertain where this footage is originally from, but it looks like it could be from a Chinese documentary or news report. The footage shows this “hybrid man” that is nearly hairless, has a very large ape-like skull, long dangly arms, nearly no neck, and is extremely tall. The man seems childlike or even animal-like in his mannerisms and he allegedly never learned to speak a language – however he did understand what people were telling him. According to his mother, she was kidnapped by a Yemen and sexually assaulted repeatedly before being brought back to her small village where 9 months later she gave birth to this hybrid. He lived to be 33 years old before dying of natural unknown causes. The common explanation for this man is that he suffered from a genetic disorder known as Microcephaly, and his mother was ashamed to have given birth to a mentally challenged child – especially out of wed lock. Microcephaly causes the brain to develop improperly and leads to a smaller than usual head, mental disabilities, poor motor function, poor speech, abnormal facial features, seizures, and dwarfism. The only thing that microcephaly cannot explain is the astonishing size of this man. As mentioned before its’ common for those who suffer from this disorder to have dwarfism, but this man was the exact opposite. There’s not much else known about this man, or even the footage of him that’s provided.

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