7 Movie Quotes That Will Change Your Way Of Seeing Life

The movies go far beyond mere entertainment, they are trips to another reality that, no matter how fictitious, allow us to adopt the skin of a fictional character who lives a stimulating life full of adventures that motivate us, allow us to aspire, allow us to dream from living life. life of a dangerous gangster who goes to the limit on the streets of New York adopt the life of a superhero who does not understand challenges to be able to live the life of a young athlete who does not give up in the face of failure but the movies not only They also allow us that They leave with incredible phrases, words that remain in our memory, impact us much more after, far beyond the credits, in this video, very different from the rest, compiled my favorite phrases, the most impactful moments of my favorite movies that have allowed me to learn, inspire and even see the reality in a different way than I saw it before playing them And yes, I want everyone with pores and that in the comments you can also write movie recommendations And also your favorite phrases from these movies as a movie lover I will thank you very much So Let's go with the first one, which is I'll tell you a secret, something that teach us in your temple the gods do not envy they envy us because we are mortal because every moment of ours could be our last everything is more beautiful because there is an end this phrase from Achilles confronts us with a reality life is true it is fleeting but that is what What makes it a great gift is what we interpret as its greatest tragedy, which is that we die, what the gods greatest gift is immortality. Precisely what does not allow the gods to live their lives intensely, what we see as a tragedy, they do it. would see as a gift is by being aware of the finiteness of life that we awaken that urgency to live it to the fullest we interpret every smile every action every look every act of bravery as if it were the last for Martin Heidegger we have to live with being for death Heidegger what Aba It is that we had to confront our mortality to live authentically. That is what awakens that urgency to live each moment as if it were unique and the last, in fact, without the shadow that life is finite or that it ends, we would simply fall into a constant monotony. and boring, which leads us to the conclusion of this wonderful phrase, which is often to live intensely, the value and gift of life does not consist in its duration, but in the more intensely we can live it, we move on to the next phrase that Sometimes the people who everyone thinks will do nothing are the ones who do things that no one had imagined. This phrase is very personal because it came at a time in my life when I was really having a hard time as a victim of bullying. I remember. that people despised me, ignored me, insulted me, didn't recognize me my abilities or value and I persevered for a reason I had an absolute conviction of my value and that is what that phrase indicates many times other people are not going to recognize that value that you have inside that great value that you have inside that diamond that You still have to rough it but you just need to see, feel and believe in your value and for it to come true you don't need the approval of others, that allows me to actually link it with a famous concept phrase by Victor Frank that says this. What matters is not so much what life expects from us but what we expect from life is simply a reminder not to look outside Because the only person capable of understanding, knowing and feeling the true potential that we have, the true value that we have, is us with that internal listening But we must do that respect it listen to it understand it believe it and defend it that internal feeling many of you are in that situation they despise you they do not value you or even do not recognize your value This is a reminder to act with determination with diligence with discipline perseverance without Seek external validation and follow your path of progress will come, believe me It will come, we move on to the next moment, which is, words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic, capable of both causing pain and remedying it. Words can inspire, motivate and heal, but they can also attack, hurt and divide words in their essence. They are both the weapon and the balm and that reminds me of an incredible reflection by the philosopher Ludwig Wittenstein who pointed out that the limits of my language are the limits of my world according to this incredible, very complex philosopher, if you want to read it, it is more of a philosophy focused on linguistics he told us that we experience life the world with the language we use just as we name things we shape our reality knowing this is an absolute reality it is enough to simply change your language to change your life Think about it this way there are people who have organized holocausts killing millions of people only with the power of rhetoric and words and there are other people who have managed to motivate thousands of employees by creating The largest and largest companies that positively impact society organize large charitable activities that help the Human progress is saying both good and bad, the power of words can be done. I am fully aware of this because your words not only shape your reality, they also shape your interior, just as you speak to yourself, you define your reality and your value for that reason. I created the communication institute I founded the communication institute because I understand the perfection that the skill of communicating is the most important skill you will learn in your life because you will define your value and you will define your reality everything is done through language everything is done through words learn from the ability to communicate is crucial as I say dumbledor or anyone else says it is crucial and when you understand that everything everything everything everything is based on language and the ability to communicate, this is where you have to start getting into it and learn to master it because it will radically change your life. to the next moment that is but Always remember this, life is not measured by the times you breathe but by the moments that leave you breathless, this fragment of a hit is very much aligned with my current philosophy of life, the intensity with which we live authenticity with the one we live is not based on the duration or the number of breaths we have but the number of moments that leave us breathless moments that we live intensely that we adventure that inspire us that allow us to realize that Wow life is precious and worth living that is why lately I have state employ the concept of playing the concept of playing has entered with more and more presence in my life more and more importance Why Because I see life as a game a game full of superfluous rules and more difficult to understand with defined patterns but that change vast rules that have been defined over the years but at the same time there is so much to discover, it is an imprecise as well as concrete game with a limited duration and It is above all a game of discovery of venturing out to try and without fear of failing or failing because It stops being a game and the important thing is to live to collect experiences that translate into learning, which is what is really worth living, it is what is really worth taking with us those experiences that leave us breathless when I often think about certain things. investments or invest in certain experiences or in to live in one way or another I ask myself, would I intend to live, for example, to live 60 65 years as a civil servant or 30 35 years as an entrepreneur I have it very clear I have it very clear I have it very clear because I understand perfectly that I prefer to reach the end of my days knowing that I have taken advantage of life to the fullest and that I have often been left breathless by how intensely I have lived to think that for 60 65 years I have had stability But I have simply passed by here as a kind of existential doormat that simply surf life surf and let yourself be carried by the wind without really living it intensely decide your course as the philosopher Alan Wats said life is like music it should be played not worked on and no let's not make mistakes I don't want us to avoid all responsibilities sell everything and let's go travel the world in an aerial balloon I'm not talking about that I'm talking about interpreting life as a game life is something that should be played and not worked that invites us to reflect on the concept of playing even in the workplace professional sphere I No I would change none of the days of my life Why And I spend 12 hours working Why Because I understand work as a game, every challenge, every opportunity, every risk, every action, I interpret it as a game that must be played and for me it never stops. be another mission that must be overcome, another skill that I must acquire, another person who must join the team as an Adventure partner, that is, I see it as a game. So I'm not worried about it, it radically changes your way of experimenting and playing, even with the obligations and responsibilities, what would your job be like? We move on to the next one. moment that is the top three of my favorite movies I ca n't get enough of playing it greenbook this moment represents one of the greatest pain points of the human being, that paradox in which the Human has that need to connect because it is the only way he has to verify his existence I exist because you respond to me and talk to me and people talk to me that is how I understand my existence as Berkson would say but This is another topic but also many times that need to connect is forgotten, abandoned for fear of being rejected for fear of being rejected. don't go out Well, and this is in line with one of the reflections of Jean Paul Sart, one of my favorite philosophers, who said that human relationships are like a reflection of our need for validation but also of our tendency to fear showing ourselves vulnerable in order to live authentically. knew is to overcome that vulnerability, fear of being rejected, and take that first step of courage to connect with others. Without that first step, we are left with a kind of eternal pause in which we wait for something without obtaining it in a silence that isolates and in the end that first step as reflected in the Green Book movie It is not only an act of courage, it is an act of liberation to free ourselves from that fear of not connecting and seeking what we all want, which is connection with others. That is what this beautiful phrase that inspired me so much reflects. It is full of people who seek to give. that first step because We all want to connect but we all have That fear Here it is the responsibility of the brave to take that first step that will truly be able to live an authentic life, beautiful phrase, we move on to the next moment, this phrase is for you, a person who, if you are consuming This content you work in a diligent, disciplined manner and I understand that sometimes You may not see the results at first or that your actions are not praised or applauded. But that does not mean that they are not good, that you are on the right path, that sends us to a reflection that I always try to convey to you: work for the pleasure of working, learn for it. pleasure of learning progress for the pleasure of progress and not for Search for external validation or material reward find the beauty and pleasure of doing what we do for the sake of doing what we do simply Search for beauty in that process that is not only liberating because we no longer depend on something that is independent It makes us happier because we see progress in what we control, which is our action. Just because it is not praised and applauded by others does not mean that it is not worthy of merit and recognition. So keep it in mind and look for it, even if you are religious. offer the fruit of your work as devotion to God we move on to the last moment which is if you manage to learn just one thing you will get along much better with all your peers You will never understand a person until you see things from their point of view How to that you can't get into your skin and feel comfortably this phrase I have chosen it for two reasons number one because communication is something in which I am an expert it is crucial it is fundamental our communication does not depend on how we speak but how our interlocutor our audience interprets us so we must have that ability to understand very well how that person thinks and works and for this we need empathy but also on the other hand we live in the society of egocentrism everything is me I I I want I want I want I want and many times that gets in the way of the true functioning of society What are human relationships, it is impossible to progress towards building a better life better relationships better team project work whatever if you are not able to put yourself in the shoes of others walk a little in their life in their situation to understand how they feel And then you may not be able to connect because you are very different but it will enrich you internally to understand all the problems that a person goes through, concerns that live ambitions that they have and in that process of trying to empathize and connect with the other person you will be greatly enriched, you will gain a unique sensitivity. on this planet especially in today's society yes If you liked this format, I could make others, I could create other videos that are a little more thematic, tell me, leave it in the comments along with the phrases of your favorite moments from your favorite movies. Also, if you liked this video, please Like, you don't know the impact. What it has in my work is a small act of gratitude that has a lot of value for me, like it here, subscribe, leave a comment as I have told you and simply share this channel with three people who you want to see improve. I would like to send you a kiss Thank you for spending time with me

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